2008 October FoPP Vol3 No3
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ISSN 1170-8883
The Magazine of the
Friends of Pukekura Park
Volume 3, Number 3
Friends of Pukekura Park
October 2008
New Plymouth
Sophora – Kowhai
Brilliant spring flowering and important bird food
Photo Derek Hughes
This Magazine is made possible through the generous support of the George Mason Charitable Trust
From the Zoo
Brooklands Zoo update
Eve Cozzi
Acting Technical Officer
The staff at Brooklands Zoo have been busy recently with the completion of some Capuchin Monkey and Otter
transfers. Their introduction to our existing animals has gone well, and “Bud” the Asian-clawed Otter from Aus-
tralia and our six new female Capuchin Monkeys from Hamilton Zoo have all settled in to their new environ-
ments. Changes to the aquatics tanks in the barn, located at the farmyard, have recently taken place, and the new
friend for our Giant Flemish Rabbit seems to be enjoying his new home at the Zoo also.
With summer approaching and visitor numbers increasing, Zoo staff are starting up a volunteer program. Volun-
teers provide much needed and appreciated support to our staff and animals. We are looking for people who are
highly motivated, passionate about animals, and can work as part of a team. Our volunteer program will offer a
wide range of activities depending on experience and knowledge. Volunteers will receive full training. We ideally
require our volunteers to be able to commit to a regular time slot so that they and our animals become familiar
with each other and so that they become part of the Zoo team. If this sounds like something you would like to
participate in please contact Sarah at (06) 7695320. The first training session will occur in October 2008.
“Mungo” the Red Panda at Brooklands Zoo
Contributions should be sent to the registered office of Friends of Pukekura Park New Plymouth Inc.
30 Brooklands Road, New Plymouth 4310. Ph (06) 753 9335
Magazine content editor: David Medway. Photographic editor & designer: Derek Hughes
email: info@pukekura.org.nz web: www.pukekura.org.nz
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 2
From the Archives
Tui and flowering Kowhai
David Medway
The following article about the seasonal association between Tui (Prosthemadera
novaeseelandiae) and flowering Kowhai (Sophora spp.) in Pukekura Park some 75
years ago, which appeared in the Taranaki Herald of 3 October 1932, is worthy of
reproduction. The same seasonal association continues today.
Photo Peter Fryer
“The charming association between kowhai trees in bloom and tuis at present in
Pukekura Park is emphasised by Mr. W. W. Smith, the well-known naturalist and
former curator of the park, in an interesting letter to the editor. Mr. Smith writes:-
The 14 large kowhai trees growing in Pukekura Park are blooming magnificently at present and are the chief
attraction and source of food to the large number of tuis assembled there. To hear their song and observe their
habits in association with the flowers of the kowhai is a charming scene in native bird life. For many years these
beautiful birds have visited the park during the blooming of the kowhai trees, but are fewer in number this year
than formerly.
When a considerable number of male tuis meet, as at present in Pukekura Park, there is great rivalry amongst
them in song and squabble alike. Occasionally an individual may be seen on a bough puffing its breast singing a
love-song when a rival assails the singer, and a vigorous chase through the bush ensues.
The tui is now the chief fertiliser of the flowers of the gorgeous kowhai. Though it is holding its own compara-
tively more than many other species of native birds it is unquestionably diminishing in numbers annually in some
districts. Its brush-tipped tongue is peculiarly adapted for extracting the honey secreted at the internal base of the
flower. The anthers with the pistil projecting beyond them are curved with the broad upper petal of the flower.
When the bird inserts its head into the flower to extract the honey the head and neck receive a dusting of pollen
from the anthers which is conveyed to the flowers of other kowhai trees. The pistil being longer than the anthers
it receives the pollen from the birds while inserting their tongue into the honey receptacle.
The magnificent kowhai trees with the rich and varied calls and songs of the numerous tuis present is truly an ad-
ditional charm of Pukekura Park at the present time. It is, moreover, a phase of nature study only to be observed
annually, generally from September 15 to October 21. When the kowhai blooming season is finished on the
lowlands the birds migrate to higher lands and Mount Egmont, where the trees continue to bloom in succession,
according to altitude, until the middle of November.
The tui with many other bush birds also assists in fertilising the flowers of other native trees and shrubs. Let us
earnestly hope that the beautiful tuis may long continue to annually visit the resplendent kowhai trees in Puke-
kura Park. The trees and the tuis now delight visitors to the park”.
Photos Derek Hughes
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 3
From the Arborist
Specimen trees in Pukekura Park and Brooklands
Bryan Gould
Pukekura Park and Brooklands are unique. The diversity of the landscape makes them truly magical, whether you
visit once or wander through regularly. The trees are especially important, in that they provide both interest and
harmony to the views. So often thought of as merely ”background”, when combined with the water, the wildlife
and the hilly terrain they create a special sense of place.
This contribution highlights some of the special specimen trees in Pukekura Park and Brooklands, those that are
so easy to walk past without a second glance but which, in essence, provide extra enjoyment to anyone willing to
look closely.
Araucaria – an ancient line
Consider the genus Araucaria, the southern hemisphere evergreen conifers that are invariably large and bold fo-
cal points in any garden. These trees grace the lawns of many great gardens, here and overseas. They have always
been highly regarded since their discovery in early Victorian days and their subsequent distribution across the old
Araucaria is a genus of 19 species, spread throughout New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Norfolk Island, Aus-
tralia, Argentina, Chile and southern Brazil. Araucaria is one of three genera within the family Araucariaceae, the
others being Agathis which includes our native Kauri (Agathis australis), and Wollemia a monotypic genus which
contains one of the world’s rarest trees, Wollemia nobilis. The Araucariaceae arose in and were abundant from the
Mesozoic era, the pre-Gondwana period over 200 million years ago. The family contains survivors from the age
of dinosaurs.
Photo Derek Hughes
Two historic Norfolk Island Pines dominate the skyline as seen from Brooklands Bowl
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 4
From the Arborist cont’d
There are four Araucaria species in Pukekura Park and
Brooklands. The two most obvious specimens are the ma-
ture Norfolk Island Pines (Araucaria heterophylla) stand-
ing together near the western border of Brooklands. It is
believed that the original owner of Brooklands, Captain
Henry King, planted these fine trees in 1851. Their sheer
height and dimensions make them major components in
the lawn landscape and, intriguingly, they are visible for
miles from other vantage points beyond Brooklands. In-
cidentally, despite its common name, this tree is, botani-
cally speaking, not a true “pine” at all. It was mis-named by
Photo Derek Hughes
those who unwittingly referred to every conifer as a “pine”.
Araucaria alongside Jellyman Walk at Brooklands
The same misnomer applies to Wollemi “Pine” too.
Seven young Norfolk Island Pines are found
nearby, edging the Brooklands Park Drive above
the Rhododendron Bank overlooking the Lily
Lake and the Bowl. These new arrivals, planted
in mid-2000, will assume their intended place
as skyline giants one day in the future. They
were deliberately planted at this high perimeter
point to create an impact for visitors on arrival at
Brooklands, and to act as location markers when
viewed from afar. Their presence in the landscape
is, literally, growing. Give them a decade or two
and they will be magnificent.
Similarly, there are six young Norfolk Island
Photo Derek Hughes
Pines secreted into the rear of the Hebe border
Young Norfolk Island Pines alongside Brooklands Park Drive
alongside Victoria Road. These trees, planted in
2004, are steadily establishing. They will reveal
themselves when they break through the surrounding canopy and, like their older more sturdy cousins that already
inhabit the border area, will stand along the Park’s boundary like sentries on guard. Again, this was an intentional
planting, using a large-growing evergreen tree as a long-term specimen. They will, in their own era, enhance and
maintain the skyline effect that is so essential to the Park.
There is a very significant planting of Monkey Puzzle Trees (Araucaria araucana) inside Brooklands, but you may
not have noticed them. This tree (known by the Arauco Indians of Chile and Argentina as pehuén) is the national
tree of Chile. Monkey Puzzle Trees are found all around New Zealand, in the grounds of municipal parks, garden
collections and country homesteads, but invariably as single trees. The Brooklands group, located behind the Bowl
below Scanlan Lookout, is unique because there are 50 trees planted together. They have been discreetly settling
into their site since 2001.
One has to look closely to see them all. Many are obscured by vegetation on the slopes, but are quietly growing
into a grove that will bring joy and amazement to onlookers over the coming decades. I am not aware of any other
planting of Monkey Puzzle Trees in New Zealand which utilises this number of plants in one location. The inten-
tion was, from the outset, to create a massed grouping, a spot where walking beneath the hillside canopies would
emulate the mountain uplands of Chile. Patience is all that is needed. Take the High Level Track to see how these
wonderful young trees are progressing.
Closely planted in association with the pehuén are four Klinki Pines (Araucaria hunsteinii). Klinki Pines are some-
what unusual and infrequently seen, except in special collections. These particular trees were originally planted in
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 5
From the Arborist cont’d
2005 on Monument Hill at the southern end of the Main Lake. They were re-located this year to join the trees at
Monkey Puzzle Grove. There are also two quite large and semi-mature Klinki Pine specimens alongside Jellyman
Walk, where the pathway curves up beneath the Plane trees heading towards the Bowl ticket box building. They
link, botanically and visually, with the Norfolk Island Pines standing above. Klinki Pines are from the moun-
tainous regions of Papua New Guinea where their habitat is fast disappearing due to development and land-use
change. The few specimens within Brooklands are a small but important nucleus of endangered trees.
Last, but not least, the collection also includes two good specimens of Hoop Pine (Araucaria cunninghamii). From
Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia their timber is highly prized for furniture making, carving and boat build-
ing. This rainforest tree is capable of reaching 60m in height.
The Araucaria trees in Pukekura Park and Brooklands are only a small representation of a fabulous family. The
more-recently planted specimens have extended and enhanced the collection. Several other Araucaria species are
also perfectly suited to this region. Araucaria have many great attributes. They are usually large growing, long-
lived, disease-free trees which makes them first-rate specimens. They tend to be a focal point within any land-
scape. The common name may be somewhat misleading, but that is of little consequence. Araucaria are amongst
the tree world’s aristocracy. Take a closer look next time, and tip your hat.
The park bench gives an indication of the
size of one of the historic Norfolk Island
Pines (centre) at Brooklands
Photo Derek Hughes
From the Archives
Creating “The Serpentine”
David Medway
At its meeting in September 1907 the Recreation Grounds Board, which became the Pukekura Park Board two
months later, resolved that generous legacies received by the Board from the estates of R. H. Govett and H. R.
Broham would be devoted to carrying out its long-contemplated plan to extend the main lake in Pukekura Park
to the boundary of Newton King’s property at Brooklands (Taranaki Herald 23/9/1907; 22/4/1908).
S. Percy Smith, who supervised the required work, advised his fellow Board members in November 1907 that a
commencement had been made with the extension of the main lake towards Brooklands. The diversion of the
water from the swamp between the head of the main lake and the boundary at Brooklands had been effected, and
as soon as the swamp was sufficiently dry, a start would be made with the excavation (Taranaki Herald 7/11/1907).
In order to get rid of the water during the time the necessary excavations were being made, the Board had decided,
at its meeting in September 1907, to erect a dam at the Brooklands end of the swamp and to divert the water into
a drain outside the swamp from the Brooklands boundary to the main lake, and then to lower the level of the
main lake about 18 inches until the swamp was drained. The lake would be refilled to its original level when the
excavation was completed. Extra labour was to be engaged to carry out the work. (Taranaki Herald 23/9/1907).
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 6
Magazine design by Derek’s Darkroom Ltd
From the Archives cont’d
The work was completed under “the most favourable conditions” during the summer of 1907-1908 (Taranaki
Herald 22/4/1908). By the end of January 1908, a “notable transformation” had been effected by the Board: “It has
involved the excavation of the long narrow swamp extending from the upper bridge near the boat-house to the
boundary of Brooklands, Mr Newton King’s property. A beautiful waterway with an average depth of three feet
has been created. It will be available for boating. The length of the course over which boats can be rowed has been
doubled. The silt and vegetable matter taken out in the process of excavation has been used to form the banks
and a wide pathway around the lake. The Board hopes to be enabled to plant the margins with a fine display of
bulbs, etc. Only lack of funds can prevent the trustees from making the surroundings of the new sheet of water
very attractive. Most of the labor has been done by Maoris working under the control of Mr A. Cole, who, we are
informed, has proved himself a very capable and tactful overseer” (Taranaki Herald 27/1/1908). By mid-February
1908, the water in the main lake had been rising slowly, and had covered the bed of the extension sufficiently to
enable the whole length to be rowed over by Mr E. H. Tribe, the Board secretary, “who thus earns the distinction
of being the first navigator” (Taranaki Herald 17/2/1908). There was now a continuous waterway from the band
rotunda to the boundary of the Brooklands estate (Taranaki Herald 22/4/1908).
Pukekura Park was the “great treat” in store for an anonymous visitor to New Plymouth in May 1909, by which
time the extension to the main lake had become known as “The Serpentine”. The visitor recorded that “The row
in the boat, from which charming mirror effects can be seen, continues up-stream into what has been named
The Serpentine, a winding course that finally brings one to the uppermost point, and there the natural state of
the ground from which the lake has been dug is shown. It is simply an ordinary swamp cleaned out, the natural
vegetation along the side being allowed to remain, and the islet pricked out as the ground has been trenched, the
excavation being filled with a copious supply of clean water in a running stream” (Taranaki Herald 29/5/1909).
Photo Karl Rossiter
W. W. Smith, who commenced duties as Curator of Pukekura Park on 23 March 1908, considered that the recent
extension of the main lake had much enhanced the beauty of the Park. He thought that when the banks and open
spaces near it were planted with tree ferns and other suitable native trees, and beneath them low-growing ferns,
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 7
Magazine design by Derek’s Darkroom Ltd
From the Archives cont’d
the extension would prove most picturesque when viewed from the low hills overlooking it (Taranaki Herald
14/4/1908). Smith carried out the first of those plantings shortly afterwards. W. Park of Palmerston North, who
visited the Park in early June 1908, found the Curator planting the “new island recently made in a pretty extension
at the head of the lake” (Taranaki Herald
12/6/1908). Smith reported to the Board at its
meeting in July 1908 that “all the 380 native
plants in the old nursery have been planted
out. The young totaras were planted on totara
hill, while the remainder were planted on the
banks of the new extension of the upper lake,
and on the island therein” (Taranaki Herald
4/7/1908). By May 1912, “all the native trees
and tree-ferns planted on the banks along the
extension of the upper lake at the head of the
park were making rapid growth. The extension
was now quite a picturesque feature of the park
when viewed from Totara hill overlooking it”
(Taranaki Herald 21/5/1912).
Newton King was obviously impressed by
the work which was carried out in Pukekura
Park in the summer of 1907-1908. In mid-
February 1908 it was reported that he also had
“an extensive work in progress in that part of
his Brooklands property which immediately
adjoins the Park. The Maoris who did such
excellent work for the Board are now employed
by Mr King in forming a large sheet of water
which will stretch from the Park boundary for
a long distance into Brooklands and, when
finished, will add greatly to the charms of the
Photo Karl Rossiter
domain” (Taranaki Herald 17/2/1908).
Photo Karl Rossiter
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 8
From the Portal Project
The Pukekura Park Portal Project
Elise Smith
If you pass by the Park Curator’s office you are likely
to see Cathy Campbell-Smart, our archivist employed
under the Community Partnership Fund, busy
recording and digitising George Fuller’s fascinating
collection of notes and photos from his time as Park
Curator. She has now (19 September) been at work
for a month, devising and testing the systems we are
to use, which have to satisfy Puke Ariki collections
policies and national digital requirements. This week
Photo Elise Smith
we started scanning slides from
George’s boxes.
These digital photos will be stored in a
digital archive, or “kete”. In addition to
this material, we have historic photos,
and “sound-bites” discussing specific
plants and places in the Park, recorded
on the guided walks that George and
David Medway have led over the years.
Soon we will have tested that our
methods are glitch-free, and we would like the Friends
to pop in and see what we have done. If you would like
to assist us by sorting items into “topics”, we welcome
your help.
By the beginning of next year we intend that these
important recollections and botanic information will be
accessed through our website, a portal to the history and
ecology of the Park. Finding interesting features and
making maps will be supported by the New Plymouth
District Council Geographic Information System. The
ongoing participation of our members, and gathering
their recollections, will be most helpful to tell the story
of the Park. The Friends, Puke Ariki and the District
Council are also working with and taking guidance
from the University of California Davis Arboretum, to
develop an international standard for Botanic Gardens
George Fuller gives us botanic and historic
information relating to plants in the Park
Photo Elise Smith
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 9
From the Fernery
From the Fernery
Donna Christiansen
Technical Officer Fernery & Display Houses
If you have been into the Kibby House since mid-September you could be excused for thinking you were
in tropical Bali. The addition of an authentic handcrafted coconut palm-wood Balinese pavilion has created a
stunning new feature which blends in with the existing tropical plants on display. It has also created a relaxing
retreat for visitors to take a break and soak up the atmosphere. This feature was funded by an unexpected donation
to the Park. We would welcome further donations to enable us to purchase two Balinese seats to accompany it!
A Maori medicinal plant display appears at the Horton Walk entrance to the Kibby House. This has been
researched and put together by Judi Harre. It is an informative display of New Zealand native plants and a brief
history of Maori medicine, with a number of plants highlighted together with information about their medicinal
properties. This “must see” display will be on show for two months.
During spring-summer we will be featuring Lachenalia, Veltheimia, and Tulips, progressing to Gladiolus, Asiatic
and Oriental Lilium, Hippeastrum, Zantedeschia and Dahlia. Bulbs always make a colorful display, so keep a look-
out for all these beauties. Another perennial that is not as common as it once was is the majestic Delphinium. These
plants are spectacular so long as slugs can be kept away from them.
The Rhododendron and Garden Festival is on from 31 October until 9 November. There will be daily tours
through the Fernery at 1.30pm, meeting at the main Fernery entrance by the Fred Parker Lawn.
Above: Balinese pavilion in a wonderful tropical setting
Below: A section of the New Zealand native plant display in the entrance to the Kibby House
Photos Derek Hughes
FoPP Magazine, Volume 3, No 3. Page 10