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showing 166-170 results of 509 [
Bird Catching Plant with Fantail.
Kodachrome Slide showing a close up of the Bird Catching Plant with a Fantail caught ’Heimerliodendron brunonianum Parapara, Pukekura Park, G.Fuller 5/06/1980 The scientific name is now known as Pisonia
Bird Catching Plant.
Two Kodachrome Slides showing a close up of the Bird Catching Plant "Heimerliodendron brunn. Para Para. Pukekura Park 05/07/1979. G Fuller" The scientific name is now known as Pisonia brunoniana
Bird Catching Plant.
Pisonia brunoniana This is the only NZ representative of the sub-tropical plants that produce sticky fruits in February and March, which may capture and kill birds or lizards. Gardeners remove the
Two ducks.
A couple of ducks swimming in Bowl of Brooklands lake
Japanese Hillside.
This is the Japanese Hillside. There is a bird survey site at the top – can you see it?