All Results in George Fuller Collection images

showing 6-10 results of 101 [
Pennantia baylisiana leaves.
Walk 2009 11 09Pennantia baylisiana leaves
Carrington Pine.
Kodachrome Slide Showing a view of large pine tree ’Carrington Pine planted 1876 Pukekura Park 7/4/70 G. Fuller’
Bird Catching Plant and Insect_2.
Two Kodachrome Slides showing a close up of the Bird Catching Plant with feathers and an insect attached ’ Heimerliodendron brunn. Para Para. Insect and Feathers. Pukekura Park 05/07/1979. G.Fuller’
Bird Catching Plant and Insect_1.
Two Kodachrome Slides showing a close up of the Bird Catching Plant with feathers and an insect attached ‘Heimerliodendron brunn. Para Para. Insect and Feathers. Pukekura Park 05/07/1979. G.Fuller’ The
Bird Catching Plant with Fantail.
Kodachrome Slide showing a close up of the Bird Catching Plant with a Fantail caught ’Heimerliodendron brunonianum Parapara, Pukekura Park, G.Fuller 5/06/1980 The scientific name is now known as Pisonia